Our work

Medical Robot

We are associated with many fields of medical doctors including digestive surgery, pediatric surgery, oral surgery, rehabilitation, and so on.

Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery Robot

Master and Slave Robot

Experiment of Master and Slave Robot

Liver Biopsy Operation System

Coming Soon.

Animal Experiment

Implant Surgery Assist System

Dental implant is attracting attention as a treatment to repair the missing teeth. However, it requires surgical procedure for drilling of bone tissue. To correctly handle the cutting device, physicians are required advanced techniques and extensive experience. Since the lack of experience may result into medical accident, the supporting technology for the surgeon is required to prevent these accidents. In the supporting technology, the cutting depth and bone density are important parameters that need to be known for a dental implant surgery. A method for classifying the bone density is proposed by modeling the relationship between the thrust force and the bone density. The bone density can be obtained in real time by comparing the force from a reaction force observer with the force from thrust force formula.

Robotic Drilling System